Thursday, December 31, 2009

Day 69

New Year's Eve.

I almost didn't have any plans until a friend of mine invited me to a party full of improvisers last night. 

Actually, last night a I had a rather touching experience with a street-wise vendor on the way to the redline to work my iO shift.  It was snowing and cold, and he was walking next to me as I headed out of the bar a bunch of us had stopped into after work for a few quick pitchers of PBR.

"How you doin', Miss?" he asked, still walking briskly and looking straight ahead---as if on a mission.

"Pretty good.  And yourself?"

"Good, good.  On my way to Starbucks.  I'm a Streetwise vendor.  Gonna stay there til about 8 o'clock."  He said it with such pride, "Streetwise vendor" -- the same way one might say, "I'm an astronaut; I'm the VP of a Fortune 500 company; I'm the President of the United States."  I respected that.  He went on to tell me that on New Year's Eve, he'd be vending Streetwise for about 12 straight hours (in the cold, no less, I thought to myself), and then head home to put on a new suit he'd bought at the thrift store to ring in 2010 with his lady at Navy Pier.

Why Navy Pier?

"It's free," he stated.  "And I should have a little money from the Streetwise.  But if not, I'll be bringing a few papers, just in case we run into trouble."

I got to the North and Clyborn station, and we parted ways, wishing each other a Happy New Year.  He walked away very much looking forward to his new suit, his lady, and whatever good things 2010 would hopefully bring for him...

...and I did too.

Anyhow, that was technically yesterday.  Today I went to a party with a bunch of fellow improvisers.  Some I knew well, some I knew because I've seen them play a lot, and some I didn't know at all.  It was absolutely a fun time.  I ended up downing a whole bottle of Oliver Soft Red by myself.  Took a shot of this bitter orange stuff that didn't taste bad going down, but left an aftertaste reminiscent of chewing for hours on an Orange Glow cleansing wipe. 

I had planned to get into my deep introspection that occurred just after midnight, when I made some important (READ: drunk) realizations about my life.  But you know what?  It's a new year.  There's no need to worry about things I can't control...and writing about the things I can control...well, might as well use that energy to actually control them, right?

I will leave you with this:  It was the first New Year's Eve that I didn't have anyone to kiss at 13 years.  Bittersweet really. 

Anyhow, here are a bunch of improvisers just after midnight:

Happy 2010!!!

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Day 68

For the first time in quite a long time, I went to lunch with a big group from work.  It's the day before New Year's Eve...and, I was pretty much all caught up with my to-do list.

The only downside was the lowfat thing.  We went to Uncle Julio's, and while it's not my favorite, I do rather enjoy their chicken enchiladas with the green sauce.

Because I'm going low-fat, I had to settle on soup and a salad...but actually both were pretty good.

Also, and maybe it's just me, but I noticed this on the table and just had to laugh:

"Soft Taco Party" just sounds so dirty to me. 

So hilariously dirty.

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Day 67

I had my follow-up appointment with my family doctor today.  He prescribed me some better pain meds (apparently the pain pills I got from the hospital burn holes in your stomach.  Not good.), and also a lowfat diet, along with the name and number of a GI specialist I need to follow-up with after the new year.

Hopefully my gall bladder can remain in my body for many more years.  We'll have to see.  For now, I just need to watch what I eat.  Which stinks because tonight I made Oreo Truffles.  So effing delicious, but probably horrible on Gally.  I did sneak one or two...maybe three.  But what kind of cook doesn't taste her own food?  Right?

I also cooked sloppy joes for Max and his dad and we all hung out for a small game night.  I was introduced to 3 characters created by Max:  Jim Schwartz, Bruce Windemere, and Bill Decapatado. 

I can't even begin to explain how he came up with these names, or the hilarity that ensued because of them for the next hour or so, but we laughed so hard I nearly busted a gut.  Seriously.

The game we were playing involved flipping over a card with an adjective on it, and then a card with a noun on it, and secretly writing an example of whatever that combination was...trying to match everyone else's answer.  (Example:  "Cheesy" "Musician"  I might write "Michael Bolton"  and hope that someone, or everyone, else does too.)

One of my favorites was "Odd Toy" I put the Barbie that comes with the pooping dog, Max's dad put a Slinky...and Max?  He put: "That Little Hanukkah Top Thing"

Good times.  Definitely good times.

Monday, December 28, 2009

Day 66

I cooked dinner today: Lemon pepper parmesan chicken breasts, corn, four cheese mashed potatoes, and crescent rolls.

While cleaning up, I realized something:

I always have exactly enough for one more place setting when I cook for myself and Max. 

As I wrapped tonight's leftovers, it just made me think:  I'm not sad, but it does heighten the loneliness factor a little.  (This is heightened even more when Max isn't home, and I cook for just typically on those nights I just warm up a Lean Cuisine.  Dinner for precisely one.)

I don't know.  It's been nearly a full year of being a singleton.  And don't get me wrong, I actually enjoy it.  But there's still that tiny part of me that thinks about that extra plate full of food and wonders if and when I'll be ready to let someone in to eat it.  (That sounded really strange.  I don't really care who eats my leftovers.  I was trying to go deep and failed miserably.  Yeep.)

I guess what I'm saying is that there's a tiny part of me that sometimes wonders if and when I'll date again...but there's a much bigger part at the moment that's quite happy to invest in copious amounts of Saran Wrap, Tupperware, and aluminum foil. 

It's kind of a tumultuous internal tug-of-war.

Anyways, the chicken?  It was phenomenal. 

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Day 65

Well, it was a typical lazy Sunday.  Spent the day lounging with Max, playing with new toys, being super unproductive.

Kind of nice actually.  Heading into another abbreviated week due to holidays.  A new year.  I can't believe 2009 went so quickly.  It's nuts. 

Seriously, this is all I've got for the blog today. 

Like I said...unproductive...

... and loving it.

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Day 64

Not much to say really...just had to work a shift at iO.  I haven't ever worked a Saturday night before, so I got to see shows that I don't regularly see, which was nice.

After my shift, I ended up hanging at the bar for a few cocktails and some improv talk with folks I admire and respect in the improv community.  They're also ridiculously fun. 

We even got to play a little...some impromptu improvisation. (That's a little repetitive, eh?)  Anyway...good times. 

Friday, December 25, 2009

Day 63

Christmas Day.

Santa brought a shitload for Max this morning. ;) 

His dad dropped him off to open his things, and then we headed to my other aunt and uncle's house for Christmas Day festivities.  It was super fun, although I could feel my gall bladder giving me hell after I ate.  It was mild, but I was convinced I would be I went about my day, trying to have as much fun as possible with Max and the family...which I totally did.

I dropped Max off with his dad at around 6pm for their Christmas Day celebration.  I'd made plans to hang with a friend (What up, Peeps? ;) ) for the night.  We ordered Middle Eastern Food at 10pm and watched Kitchen Nightmares, before my gall bladder turned into a real asshole and we ended up at the 24-hour pharmacy filling my prescription for Toradol.  The first dose mildly helped, but 5 hours later I woke up in pain again and had to take another dose.  This time it worked and I went back to sleep.  Thankfully, Max was with his dad.  I don't know how he would have handled seeing me have another attack after only a few days.

I really hope this gall bladder situation gets fixed.  It sucks. 

The hummus we ordered, however, was delicious. 

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Day 62

Christmas Eve.

Max and I went to my aunt and uncle's house with my parents for some ham sandwiches and presents.

It was a super fun time.  Max chased around and played with my aunt's of which is literally the size of a small basset hound.  No joke.

Afterwards, I had to take Max to his dad's, they had some Christmas eve plans with family too.  The holidays are really a lot of back and forth for our family.  But it was like that when I was a kid too.  I'm hoping that in the near future I can start some of our own traditions.  Maybe host Christmas Eve or Christmas Day.  Although, I'm not sure I trust myself cooking a turkey...

I head back home to wrap all of the presents that needed wrapping.  My cousin Melissa and another friend came by to help.  We watched old videos from when Melissa and I were teenagers.  Consensus:  Melissa and I were ridiculous when we were growing up.  I no longer have a question in my mind as to why we were single in high school.  (However, looking back, we were stupidly fun...but teenage boys don't get that...)

Funny thing is?  We also realize not much has changed in the past 13 or 14 years.  We still walk around talking like idiots, making up nonsense songs, and dancing through the living room....just because.

Only now?  We don't ever really apologize for it.

We ended up polishing off a bottle of wine between all of us, and then half a bottle of cheap champagne. 

I was initially worried I'd be spending my first Christmas Eve in the new house alone (it was Max's dad's year to have him Christmas Eve to Christmas morning), but in the end it turned out to be one of the better Christmas Eves I can remember...I mean, if we're only counting the ones where Max isn't with me, of course.  Those are always the best.  Nothing like seeing him come into my room at 4am Christmas Day out of excitement for the presents that magically appeared under the tree overnight.

But if I couldn't have had that magic this year, I was super happy to enjoy the evening laughing my ass off with a coupla really awesome people. 

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Day 61

I went into work today, only to be told to go home and rest.  Which I promptly did.

Later on, I texted my friend Eric to see if he maybe wanted to grab food, catch a movie, something other than just lying around for the rest of the evening.

We had a nice (no-grease for me) meal, and then stopped by a Borders just to look around.  I have a love affair with books.  When I'm surrounded by them, I just feel this odd peace.  I don't know.  I mean, I guess I'm just imagining the millions and millions of stories, and worlds, and characters, and life experiences that surround me...contained in all those pages.  It's kind of magical. 

And run into something like this:

A large poster book with pictures of animals that utilized the same silly googly eyes on every page.  Often hilarious and sometimes scary, this picture shows...a little confusing. 

If you can't read it because of the glare, beneath this googly-eyed gorilla (who is obviously outside, mind you...) are two simple math problems: 5 x 5 = 25 and 5 x 6 = ???

Now, I don't know about you, but I don't get what this is trying to say.  I don't expect a gorilla to know simple math.  And I don't see the hilarity in not knowing 5 x 6 but knowing 5 x 5. 

You should also know that the second to last page included a rather frazzled chimapanzee with the caption "What math test?!"

It's actually all sort of brilliant if you think about it, really.  Eric and I laughed about it as we walked around the rest of the store.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Day 60

Woke up at 3am in intense pain.  After 2 hours of no relief (and no sleep), I realized I needed to call an ambulance and get myself to the Emergency Room.

Max was pretty shaken up.  I was home alone with him, so I had to wake him up and call my grandmother to take care of him while they rushed me off.  He was crying when the police and paramedics arrived, but they managed to calm him down by talking to him about things like his age, his hobbies, things not involving his mother doubled over in pain, answering questions about her health.

It was my first ride in an ambulance, even though my dad was an EMT and then a firefighter for years and years.  It was mildly surreal.  Snow was falling.  I could see the red lights flashing, but the pain made me almost feel like I wasn't fully attached to my body.  As a matter of fact, I clearly remember numerous times saying, "I just want to leave my body for a while until this goes hurts so bad."

Once at the hospital I was forced to wear one of those backless hospital gowns that didn't quite fasten right.  I don't sleep in a bra, so it was super uncomfortable to be that free in the chest area...especially since my nurse ended up being male...and super cute.  (Turns out he was married...which really made me feel better when I yacked 3 times in front of him...)

They took my vitals, gave me a delicious GI Cocktail (Lidocaine, Malox, and some other stomach stuff...think thick, minty, numbing, grape milk shake), and some anti-cramping pills.


Then they took me down to X-ray.

-Things looked normal.

Then they drew 4 vials of blood and shot me in the ass with more anti-cramping medicine.

-Again, nothing.

Finally they hooked me up to an IV, gave me fluids and anti-vomit meds because at this point, I was on the verge of horking all over the place.  I apologized to the cute male nurse about looking so terrible and mildly whining because of the pain, when he said, "Darling, if you're the worst patient I have today, I'll be lucky.  Now, take these meds...they'll help with the ones we're giving you through the IV, because we can't have you throwing up."

To which I responded by immediately puking my guts out 3 times.  Amazing, right?

The doctor came in, she informed me that she didn't think it was gall bladder related because the pain was on the wrong side of my body.  All the tests came back normal, but the pain wasn't getting any better.  She ordered a CAT scan to check my aorta.

I was so out of it:  tired, spent, still writhing in pain.  I didn't care about the fact they were pumping me with iodine, or that it did, indeed---just as the tech warned---make me feel like I peed my pants.

When the results came back, the doctor was surprised.  It WAS gall bladder.  A rather large gall stone as a matter of fact.  That known, they could FINALLY give me some pain meds...which, after 7 hours, I greatly appreciated.  They kicked in in about 30 minutes, while I was getting an ultrasound to check the size of the stone and the rest of my digestive system.

An ultrasound is a much different experience when it has nothing to do with pregnancy.  I had hoped, because I was starting to feel better, that the tech would write "Hi Mommy!" with an arrow pointing to my gall stone (which I've lovingly named "Gally")  just for shits and giggles.  But she didn't.  I can tell you though, some of my internal organs look like prehistoric creatures.  Like a raptor is nesting near my liver. 

...or maybe that was just an effect of the pain meds. 

After 8 hours, I was released.  I have to rest, and then follow up with my family doctor...followed by visiting a GI specialist.  What a start to the holiday season, right?

Monday, December 21, 2009

Day 59

Today marks the start of the holiday season...meaning short work weeks that lead to very busy weekends.

I still need to finish holiday shopping.  And that hellish germ-fest ruined all plans for the holiday card I wanted to create and send from me and Max.  Bah.

Hoarders tonight.  I'm addicited to that show.  Problem is?  I forget not to eat dinner while watching it.  I really need to work on that.

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Day 58


Well, it started off pretty frantic.  I went to bed last night watching "I Survived" which featured a story on a nasty wildfire destroying a house and 2 home invasions.

I woke up this morning to my home alarm system going off...I've never jumped out of bed so quickly in my life.  Apparently Max was playing on the couch with a Nerf gun.  He set it down for something and it fell, hitting the floor with such force that it triggered the glass-break sensors.  Holy.  Crap.  But it ended up being just fine.

After that, I just lounged around all day with the Maxwell, watching tv with our blankets on the couch.  I did some chores.  And then I made dinner:

I don't really consider myself very "domestic" but there's something about owning your first home that makes you like doing things like cooking, cleaning, and taking care of house-type-things.  I even clipped coupons yesterday.

I don't even ever get the opportunity to use coupons...

... however, I've got about 50 of them for Steak 'n Shake, good until the end of bet your ass I'm gonna use 'em.  I freakin' love Steak 'n Shake. 

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Day 57

Today was my SCTC Level E Graduation show:

That was my class.  Myself and 9 amazing people, most of which started Level A with me, and a few that joined in Levels B and D. 

The show was actually pretty awesome.  We all just had a really fun time.  I should have invited people to come.  I guess with it being so close to the holidays, I figured most folks would be pretty busy.  I don't know.  Hopefully there will be some video footage of the show available soon, I know B taped it.

Afterwards, I went to move my car from the parking garage to my work parking lot.  A friend of mine who had caught a cold (likely mine because I failed to quarantine myself properly for most of the week...sorry about that Peeps...), texted me to see how the show went.  He was supposed to come see it, but the germs made it impossible.  Understandable, I say.

However, we hung out for a while after the show.  It was a fun time.  Laughing, talking, acting a fool.  A really nice Saturday all around...and...

... I'm no longer super sick.  Just in the nick of time, really.

Friday, December 18, 2009

Day 56

Worked from home because I had a writing project.  I actually get to be funny...which I'm both excited and nervous about.  But I'm having fun with it, for sure.

Headed up to iO for my final official intern shift for this session.  I felt bad because there was no crowd for the 8pm shows due to craptastic weather.  But both shows were HILARIOUS.  Dart and 1, 2, 3, Fag.  I'm telling you, it's so awesome to see such amazing talent performing all the time.  Inspiring even.

I stuck around for the jam where I played a line game or two, and then afterwards just kind of hung out for a little bit.  I ended up having to park in the Piper's Alley garage because traffic was so bad that I would have been late had I not.

I parked between 2 other cars an booked it outside to catch a cab.  I didn't even realize that my car was a tad bit over the yellow line because the boners on either side of me parked like twats. 

When my friend dropped me off at my car, I realized I had a violation paper on my window.  Luckily it was just a warning, but still...I was mildly irritated.

That is until the security guys came up to me and explained the situation...and that it's really no big deal.  They also said they'd keep an eye on my car for me from now on.  It was really sweet.  :)  Nice couple of guys.

Got home and chatted on the phone for a few hours.  Also nice. 

And, I really wish it would snow soon.  Not sleet-snow...but big, fluffy, soft flakes snow.  Mother Nature...make this happen soon?  Please?

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Day 55

Felt much better.  Worked and had my final Second City Training Center Level E rehearsal.  The show's on Saturday, but I've failed to send out any invitations due to being sick.  Bah.

After rehearsal, I went to Open Basket at iO where I actually got picked to perform.  It was stellar.  I was nervous, but I had a shit-ton of fun and some really great moments.

Afterwards, I stuck around for a while for the Jingle Bell Rock party.  A party in which Jingle Bell Rock is continuously looped until the bar closes.  It was actually pretty brilliant and hilarious.

You know, I realize I've been doing improv for almost an entire year now.  And you know what?  iO is starting to feel like my second home.  And I love that.  I really do. 

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Day 54

I spoke too soon.  This is how I woke addition to a cold that had mutated into a bonafide sinus infection. 

I am the epitome of the single woman here...seriously. 

I decided to take the day to officially more pushing myself.  Health is the first priority.

(Plus, three work emails came through with people who were also now officially sick...I can't help but feel responsible...a little.)

Kept the germs at home.  Got some rest.  I just want to not be sick.  Period.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Day 53

Still felt like crap, but I managed to load myself up with Sudafed and look presentable for work.  I even stopped after work for a hard cider at Sully's with my coworkers.  Though I was pretty runny and congested (I mean seriously, I even went to the pharmacy to get the REAL Sudafed...the shit they're afraid I'm going to use to make meth in my oven with...gah), but I don't know, I'm a trooper.

The rest of the evening was equally as nice.  I think I'm kicking this thing in the booty.  Wooty woot!

Monday, December 14, 2009

Day 52

I'm officially yucky sick.  But I really wanted to get into work today to finish up some things.  Before I left the house, I heard my doorbell ring.  I opened the door to see my step-grandfatehr standing there with a bag containing my grandmother's homemade chicken soup and a bottle of orange juice.

It felt nice to know that no matter how alone I sometimes feel (living on your own, especially while being sick can bring those feelings out) there are people who care about me just around the corner.

I ended up being sent home to recover from the germs...and prevent the spread.  Hopefully this nasty cold goes away right quick.

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Day 51

Still sick.

Max had a birthday party for his cousin today, so while he was gone I ran some errands, cleaned the house, and wrapped some Christmas presents.

Feeling pretty craptastic, unfortunately.  It's one of those colds that's just lingering there...not really ready to let go and just go nuts on my sinuses...but I can feel it comin'.  Calm before the storm.


Saturday, December 12, 2009

Day 50

50 days?  That's crazy.  It doesn't seem like it's been that long since the birthday.  Wow.

Anyhow, I'm starting to feel a cold coming on.  Sinus pressure, sneezing, etc.

Went with my mom and Max to pick out some more Christmas decorations...and bought this guy:

Fantastic, right?


Friday, December 11, 2009

Day 49



Between Wednesday's Wine & Cheese Extravaganza, Thursday's holiday party, and tonight?  I can't believe I'm not slumped over a curb somewhere.  It's atypical that I stay out late more than one night per week, but this week?  I just went bonkers.  Sometimes, ya just gotta do it though.

I interned tonight.  There was a big alumni show upstairs...Neil Flynn came down to use the Cabaret bathroom.  He's super nice. After all of the shows, I hung out with some friends for a while and ended up at a party where I knew 2 people...but, I met some really great folks too.  It was a great time.

Had a 21-year-old boy try to explain to me what I needed to understand about men.  Ha.  Brilliant.  Then he tried to grab my ass.  He ended up passed out in a chair, puking into an empty Starbucks cup within the hour.  Yeesh.

Discovered quite a commonality with one of the people I went to the party with.  We had to laugh about it.  Spent about 20 minutes comparing notes and laughing our asses off.  She's good people.  We've decided that we must both attend more parties together...especially when we are equally unfamiliar with the lot of people at said parties.

Had a lot of fun laughing and talking with the other person I went to the party with.  Some hilarious moments ensued.  There was even one unfortunate moment that later spawned a ton of funniness for the whole party.  (I take the blame for the initial terribleness...I really do.  Me and my bright ideas...but really, it turned out all right in the end.)

I think I'm all late-nighted out for the rest of the weekend though. 

I'm's mildly old...

... sometimes.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Day 48

I could talk about my final class in the Beginning Improv Program at Second City...with Eugene Levy and Martin Short rehearsing for the 50th Anniversary in the room adjacent to ours...

... or the gnarly bruises I got  from playing Bronco Ball at a holiday party...

... or how I ended up with a friend at Hollywood Grill eating Eggs Benedict at 4:30 in the morning.

I could talk about all of these things, because they're all pretty darned interesting. 

But I won't. 

Instead, I'm going to focus on this tidbit:

Oftentimes at work, I need to quickly scribble notes to myself for production and editing purposes.  About an hour after scrawling this one, I came back to it and thought, "Polish?"  (POLE-ish) 

Then a moment of realization:  "Ah...polish..." (PAH-lish)

Made me giggle.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Day 47

There was a wine and cheese party at work today to celebrate a lot of hard work from everyone.

I somewhat overindulged.  However, I passed on the goat cheese.  Goat cheese tastes like burning plastic.  And from what I understand, this particular variety included vegetable compost.  What the...

Anyhow, after the party, I was inspired to create what--at the time--I thought was the most brilliant display of holiday decorating ever to occur in history to date:

Prior to the party, I changed over my driver's license to my new address, and then went to the Lake County Government Building to file my property tax exemptions.

In summary: I've never felt so completely responsible and so completely irresponsible in the same day.

Adulthood can sometimes be quite brilliant that way.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Day 46

I wish I had more to write on my 46th day of being 29.

I worked pretty late.  But it's cool.  Accomplished quite a bit in order to successfully deliver something to a client.  Now for sleep.

Monday, December 7, 2009

Day 45

You know, sometimes it's really easy to focus energy on wanting the things we don't have, rather than realizing the great things we already do have.

It was a particularly long day today.  Actually, I had planned it would be, so I wasn't really fretting about it.  However, with Max having been sick all weekend long, I was really worried about him.  I just wanted to get home to him, make sure he was snuggly in his pjs, and have a cuddle.  More than anything.

I was able to pick him up around 10pm, and was looking forward to just going straight home, but his uncle needed me to return some movies to the video store, mildly out of the way.  Though I wasn't excited about the detour, it wasn't a huge deal, so I obliged and headed to the store with Max in tow.

On the way to the car, he opened up his little hand, "Here, Mom.  Have a walnut."
"Oh, thanks, Bean.  But my stomach isn't feeling really well," I said. 
Max nodded and shoved the remaining walnuts into his mouth. "They're a good source of protein.  I'm gonna have strong muscles," he said while he chewed.
I smiled as we piled into the car and started talking about his day at school.

On the ride, we turned on the 24-hour Christmas music station, singing along and laughing.  It was cold outside, a perfect match to the winter spirit that was filling my car.  I pulled up to the video store, and unlatched my seat belt, when I heard Max unlatch his too.

"We can't rent a movie, Max.  I don't have an account here," I said.
"I know, Mom.  But aren't we returning the movies?"
"Yes.  But I'm not going inside the store.  Just dropping them off in the 24-hour drop box."
"I know."
"Okay," I laughed.  "You can just stay in the car."
"No, no.  I'm gonna take them.  When I'm with my dad I always do."
"You do?  Are you sure? I can do it."
"No, no."   He paused for a moment. "Besides, your tummy isn't feeling well.  You stay here, Mom.  I'll be right back."

I watched as he proudly walked to the door, went inside, and slipped the movies into the drop slot.

In that moment, I was overcome by how blessed I truly was.  There was no other motivation for his gesture, other than that he is a sweet, considerate, loving kid.  He wanted to help.  And he wanted to make sure his mom, who was dealing with some fierce indigestion, didn't have to get out of the car in the cold and hobble over to the drop slot.  (I also appreciated this fact because, well, sometimes stomach issues can bring forth some really...erm...uncomfortable situations in closed off video store entryways...)

I could feel tears welling up in my eyes a little.  I was really proud of Max...although, that's nothing new.  He's an amazing kid.  I think though, that like many people, there are times that I forget to remember things like that...because I get caught up in the areas of my life that I'm still working on.

We got home, and after I did my usual after-work routine of tidying up and changing into pjs, I tucked him in and read him "The Giving Tree", my voice trying to convey that, like the tree in that story, I would always be there...and I would always do whatever I could to support him and help him be happy.

Because his happiness is my happiness.   

He is my happiness.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Day 44

Even lazier day than yesterday.  Although, I did have the task of brightening up my hair this evening.  Red hair is no joke.

I mean, when you fake it.  It takes work. (I'm still talking about red hair, btw.)

The process?  Well, first, I had to dye it permanently...then, once a week, I have to use something called "Lights 'n Brights Really Red."  It's a temporary non-damaging color (think Manic Panic).  The first time, I left it on for 40 minutes.  Tonight?  2 hours.  That's right...2 hours...with a plastic processing cap on my head, intermittently blow drying. 

Then there's the in-shower color glaze.  The post-shower color sealant.  Oh, and washing my hair in cool to cold water. 

But, I really enjoy being a it's worth it. 

Other than those rousing events, today was mostly spent tidying up around the house, chillin' with Max, and helping him finish up some homework.  Another lovely, lazy, easy like Sunday morning Sunday.

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Day 43

Pretty much a lazy Saturday.  Until about 3pm this afternoon.

Max has been sick since Thursday, poor thing.  So we lounged around in our pajamas watching cartoons for the better part of the day.  Then, my aunt came over to see our Christmas decorations and took us out to lunch.  Max made this lovely creation at the table:

It's some sort of paper and straw a Pie-Order-Form Vase, surrounded by a fortress of flatware.  Pretty brilliant if you ask me.

Later in the evening, my mom paid us a visit and we all sat around my kitchen table decorating Christmas tree ornaments.  We were laughing and joking around, being creative.  It was fun.  Went to bed fairly early.  Sometimes it just nice to end the day before midnight.

Ya know?  A lot of people ask me about my crazy-busy, fun, exciting life...but really?  It can be just as mundane as the next person's some days.  And you know what?  I like that.  It's a great balance...

...and the Libra side of me loves nothing more than a little balance.

The fiery Scorpio?  That's another story entirely.

Friday, December 4, 2009

Day 42

My friend Angela has forever tainted the number 42 for me, with one simple, lewd joke.

(The delivery also depends on whether you're a male or keep that in mind.)

You start out by asking, "Hey, what's your favorite number?"
Your target tells you a number (hopefully...) and you respond with, "Nice.  Mine's 42.  Me on on 2.  Heh heh heh" <---perv laugh.

(Obviously, if you're a dude, you'd swap the me and the you in the punch line...or maybe not...different strokes and whatnot.)

But anyways, on this lovely 42nd day of my 29th year, I worked, got good feedback on what I've been working on all week, and then interned at iO.  After my shift, I got to play in the Jam for a little bit.  Did a scene with my friend Cesar.  Definitely good times.  Had one of those moments where my brain shut off and my instinct just kicked in on stage.  Stuck around afterward for a drink and some conversation.  Then very tiredly headed home.  I love Fridays.

They've changed somewhat over the past few months...but in a good way.

Also, today was my parents' 33rd wedding anniversary.  I really admire them...I mean for everything...but that milestone just adds even more to the respect and love I have for my folks.  They're really phenomenal people.  They truly are.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Day 41

Decided just to go balls-out in my Level E class at Second City.  I'm realizing more and more that the less I worry about what I'm doing, and the more I commit to what I'm doing, the more fun I have...which also translates into a more successful scene.

In other news, I went to Open Basket at iO again.  Still not my turn to be picked.  Someday...someday.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Day 40

40 days of being 29.  If I were Noah...the rains would have stopped on this very day...sort of.  I mean, if it had started monsooning on my birthday.  And I were a man.  And I built an ark...which, due to my lack of carpentry skills, I'm sure wouldn't have lasted 20 minutes in a downpour anyways.  But I'm digressing.

Today I think I made a huge step in my improv training.  I had my Level 2 iO class this evening.  We were playing a scene and I was listening to my group going back and forth, when I got an idea that I felt would help move the scene along.

Now, typically I judge myself...questioning whether I'm making the right move, or following the rules, or whatever it might be.  And when I got the idea, that nasty little self-judging voice started in.  And in the blink of an eye I just said to myself, "No, Tiff.  Try it.  That's what class is for."

So, I followed my gut and made the move.  It was less successful on the execution than I had hoped, but successful enough in the fact that a lot of people got what I was doing.  It felt really good to hear my instructor guide us into making the idea work, and then explaining that I had done a really high form of "yes and."  It wasn't that what I did was was that I just let go of that tiny little judge in my head and tried something---with confidence.  And for me, that was a huge step.

I'm learnin'...I'm definitely learnin'.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Day 39

I had a really weird experience the other day...and since today was for shit really, I feel like talking about that moment instead...because it's been on my mind all day anyway.

So it counts.

It was weird...I had someone give me this look.  This look that basically said, "Yes, what you're seeing is what's happening.  This is just how it is.  I'm sorry."  It was a look of acknowledgement, maybe even a tiny bit of shame or regret?  And apology.  I guess I can't really explain it...but I looked this person right in the eyes for a split second and all of that just came flying out.

I'm not sure how I reacted.  I know I looked away...or down...or at my drink.  Point is, I averted as quickly as possible.  I think I might have smirked a little in disbelief---not in what I was seeing, but in myself. 

I went about my night, because it was all I could do.   What I was seeing was what was happening.  That's just how it was.  Apology not exactly accepted, but a degree.

And so, that look...that weird, telling's been replaying through my mind all day.

Also, I had the most delicious popsicle after lunch...and way too many mint Oreo cookies.