Monday, November 23, 2009

Day 31

It's funny how sometimes I don't realize I'm an expert in something because it's just part of my routine.

Case in point:
At work, there's a project involving beauty products going on.  A coworker suggested to the writer working on it that he should probably ask me for any I'm apparently quite the hair, skin, and make up guru.  I thought about it for a minute and I realized that I really kind of am.  Not because I went to beauty school or something like that, but because I basically get a girl-boner every time I step foot into a beauty supply store...or heck, the cosmetic aisle at Walgreens.  I just love beauty supplies and cosmetics.  Shiny new lip balms, shimmery eye shadows, new lotions, hair dye (duh), even freaking deodorants---I just go crazy for the stuff.

So I told the writer to come to me and I'd help if I could.

Later on my favorite conversation in history thus far occured:

Writer: "Hey Tiff, so facial scrub...when should you use it?  I mean do you use it everyday?"
Me: "Um, not everyday."
Writer: "But what about if you use foundation?"
Me: "I use foundation everyday, but I don't necessarily need to use a scrub.  Scrubs are good to exfoliate, but maybe only 2 or 3 times a week at most.  I just use face wash everyday."
Writer: "Face wash?  Is that a thing?"