Monday, November 9, 2009

Day 17

First regular "get everything and everybody ready for the day" morning in the new place. It was kind of a rushed start, however, the evening brought a pretty hilarious story.

The new place is closer to forest/prairie lands which means more local fauna abound. After a quick trip to Meijer's for some extra grocieries (bean dip, hummus, pizza rolls, etc.) I pulled into the drive and opened the car door to unload.

The odor of skunk soon filled my nose and the car.

Max asked "What is that SMELL, Mom?!"

I laughed a little. "Someone killed a skunk."

There was a pause and then, "Are you sure it's dead, Mom?"

I realized that I sould have probably left out the "Somebody killed" part of my explanation. "Well, maybe it got away. But usually, that's what happens when a skunk gets hit by a car. But maybe it was just defending itself or something. I wouldn't worry about it."

We started unloading the grocery bags. Max had been doing a potty dance since halfway through our trip at the store. I handed him the two lightest bags and asked him to carry them into the house on his way to hit the john. Not 3 seconds later, he rushes out the front door, bags still in hand (and bladder still on the verge of an explosion, I'm sure), to say this glorious statement:

"Well Mom, let's just hope that if the skunk IS dead, that he was a REALLY mean skunk...who hated everyone...and didn't pay his taxes."

Ah, sheer brilliance, that kid. Sheer brilliance.

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