But you know what? It's cool. Instead, I'll just continue fresh and just jot down a few of the high and low points for the past 60 some odd days:
- I finished Level 4 at iO, which was an amazing experience.
- I'm still unemployed. (But looking!)
- I have a Life/Wellness Coach and it's been amazing.
- I auditioned for a show and didn't make it, however, I did really well for my first real audition. Go me
- I'm still a redhead.
- I haven't gained or lost any weight. This is fantastic, as it's the longest I've maintained my weight in years. (Although, with bikini season on the horizon, I'd like to tone up just a smidge.)
- I'm still addicted to coffee. Probably more now than ever.
- There are always plums in my house these days. So delicious.
- I bought my first lawnmower. And have now become that yard freak constantly wanting to maintain the short, fresh mowed lawn.
- I will not mow one of my neighbors' yards because they haven't even introduced themselves yet, and it's not that I'm mean, but gas is expensive and I can't let them believe that it's not their responsibility to take care of their part of the property. (Unless they argue that it's actually MY property, in which case, commence measuring for the deck and or pool...or at the very least a putting green for Max.)
- I'm getting better at cooking. No really.
- I realize a little more everyday how much I love life with a toaster oven.
- I have actual living room furniture now.
- I tried to weed my garden. All I know is that the brown stuff is dead stuff. I can't differentiate between good green things and bad green things.
- One of my friends recently told me that she missed the Tiff who openly embraced her awkwardness. I do too, actually. So, embrace it again I will. I am often pretty awkward and I'm just fine with that these days.
From here on out, it's a fresh start to the blog. So please, come back often. Maybe even daily.
Okay...weekly is probably a better option.
And hey, here's a file from something I actually heard while walking in the vicinity of Wrigleyville this morning: Jogger to his jogging partner: "You won't believe how many wind farts there are."
True story.
(And actually, I do believe it, sir. But thanks for the heads up.)
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